Growing oyster mushrooms
October 01, 2020
The only way to get in the mine is through the old ventilation shaft, which runs all the way down till it hits the water level at about 60 meter below the surface. It's always moist and dark there and we tried to grow oyster mushroom in their. We bought a pack of hay packed in plastic with a few holes in it. This mycelia was already in this pack of hay and we only had to lay it in a dark moist place. So inside the mine was perfect. We went into the ventilation shaft and put is just a a few meters down.

We forgot about it a bit and after a few weeks we hurried in the mine to see if there was anything going on. This was the result of the first harvest. We cut the fully grown mushrooms and left the ......
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Spanish casita with great view over our ...
Euro 75 per night
Contact us through or by phone/Whatsapp +34 - 674 521 533
The casita is located on the estate La Mina San Cayetano, a former coal mine complex that ......

Small casita in lush garden setting.
Euro 65 per night
Contact us through or phone/Whatsapp +34 - 674 521 533
This small one room casita is located on the estate La Mina San Cayetano, a ......

We call it the bad house, but ...
Euro 55 per night
Contact us through or phone/Whatsapp +34 - 674 521 533
The 'bad house' is located on the estate La Mina San Cayetano, a former coal ......

About us
I could have written this in Dutch as we are Dutch, but since we have a lot of guests coming from non-Dutch speaking countries I write this 'about us' in English. We ......

12 Meter container full of mature orange ...
Prices of orange trees are not cheap. They grow slow before you have a decent yield of oranges you have to wait many years. You can buy mature trees with a thicker trunk, but these go at the garden centers for ......

Next project... the former coal deposit
The orange garden is nearing completion, although the actual trees still have to be planted and we have to connect the trees to the irrigation system (dripping tube). But my mind is already somewhere else the former deposit of the coal. ......

A Royal Stairway
The 30 meter long wall which separates the higher field before the cottage and the lower orange garden and which creates the terrace has been a mega project. When we would have known how long it actually took to build it ......

Demolishing the first wall of the coal ...
I would prefer to completely concentrate my work on the coal storage building, but unfortunately that is not an option. We needed a lot of extra filling material for the 30-meter long wall that we are currently creating in the orange ......

Replanting the 'mountain'
Everywhere on LMSC you find mountains of call it bad coal. Poor coal was separated from the good coal and was dumped in several places. One of these sites is located close to the building where the coal was stocked. You ......

Mauritius Hemp, Mediterranean Hemp
De Latijnse naam is 'Furcraea foetida', en voorts heeft het vele namen, waarvan Mediterranean Hemp voor mij het makkelijkste is om te onthouden. Het is lid van de familie van de Agaves, maar het heeft gelukkig niet van die dodelijk scherpe ......

De mini dumper
1 Van de machines die we - of beter gezegd ik, Mark - op mijn verlanglijstje had staan was een mini dumper voor het transporteren van aarde, stenen, zand, grind, brandhout en dergelijke. Ik had een hele mooie gevonden op de ......

Clear the land !
Allereerst even dit... Dit is de eerste post die ik in het Nederlands opstel. Het gaat toch net iets gemakkelijker en mijn aandacht gaat net iets meer naar de daadwerkelijke inhoud dan naar het vertalen van de woorden die in me ......

Handle with care
Agave Salmiana Ferox is the official Latin name of the giant of the Agave family. There are many varieties which are quite similar. The shape of the leaves - also called 'tongues' - and the color decides the variety. What they ......

Drakenboompje planten
Onder de meer dan 200 bomen die we uit de failliete boedel van tuincentrum Es Jardinet hebben gered - de meesten waren zo goed als dood door uitdroging - waren er een paar exemplaren die giga groot waren n in giga ......

Storm took it's toll Mimosa is gone ...
Mimosa Pasiflora is a beautiful yellow flowering tree. Outside the flowering period you will not really notice it, but when it's flowering you can't miss the striking yellow of the thousands of flowers. The problem with this fast growing tree is ......

The third water deposit near the tower ...
There are 3 water deposits on LMSC one just right of the garage, one left of the 'bad house' and one near the tower of the mine. The last one is in a very bad condition because of the roots of ......

Ficus Elastica, very fast growing tree
Since life is short you want to enjoy trees when they are fully grown. So selecting fast growing trees is almost a must. Just 4 months ago we planted a Ficus Elastica in the middle of what we still call 'the ......

The bad house is not so bad ...
A little while back a couple from The Netherlands stayed in the bad house and they loved it. They did not care that the foundation of the house was weak. The view from the terrace was more important. They did not ......

Hard, harder, hardest water....
The water here on Mallorca contains a huge amount of calcium, which causes lots of problems. For instance nozzles of the irrigation system have to be soaked in vinegar regularly it order to keep the water flowing. The biggest problem of ......

Cutting one of the smaller pine trees ...
The main tree on our estate is the pine tree. Some are extremely big with a trunk diameter of a meter or so. They grow fast and they can tolerate any type of soil and can survive long periods of drought. ......

Finishing the end of the catwalk
The catwalk is what we always called the stretch of concrete running from the terrace of the bungalow towards the cottage. It's leads to a kind of 'roundabout'. It has never become clear to us what David Coldwell - the former ......

Mares, one of the most commonly used ...
Mares is a soft type of stone created from compressed shells. Although it is quite heavy, it's normally soft and even with a manual saw you can cut it in the shape you wish. We have created the long wall on ......

There are many olive trees on the estate, although most of them are 'wild olives', giving very small olives which are not really suitable to produce for making oil or put them in jars. Although... we do have a few cultivated ......

Irrigation is on the agenda again after ...
To keep all plants and trees alive during the hot Summer it is essential to have automated irrigation. Otherwise you will simply forget to water one or more and drought is killing in most cases. And you can't work a list ......

The end of the catwalk
In front of our house there is a long stretch of concrete, which we call 'the catwalk' as it's flat without any borders and it ends in a kind of roundabout. The former owner did not complete this and we decided ......

Martillo hidraulico finally we can work with ...
We had 2 drill hammers, a small Bosch Blue common use drilling machine including a hammer feature and a larger Makita especially for hammering - weight about 15 kg. The Bosch machine is far too small and the Makita proved to ......

Completing the big wall near the 'bungalow' ...
The former owner left many jobs unfinished and we try to finish it and we prefer to follow the ideas David had, unless we really do not like it.

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